Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Let Me Tell You About 19

Every year since we are born something special and something grand is to come from that year. 

1 marks one year since you were born.
2 has many "landmark" moments of developments and usually known as the terrible 2's 
And so on and so on.
13 you are finally a teenager.
16 you can drive.
18 you're an "adult" and deciding what to do with your life. 
20 you are officially in your twenties.
21 you can drink legally and are truly taken seriously as an "adult"
And so it continues year after year of life they all mark landmark times of memories formed and lifetime goals met.

But let me tell you about 19.
It comes right after the cusp of the excitement that 18 brings and the terrifying fear of finally having to grow up.  
19 is uncharted territories where there is no map or GPS.
19 is the in between.
19 is the "Where do I even belong?"
19 is the "Am I even doing this right?"
It has such horrendous timing.
You've recently in the past few years been stripped from the high school norm and thrown into the real world. Whether it's work or college. 
19 comes when you are the most vulnerable and most sensitive.
19 ebbs and flows from “I am totally ok” to “what am I even doing with my life."
19 shapes you. 
19 molds you.
19 changes you.

Change is demanding.
Change is strenuous.
Change is hard.
But change is crucial.

Life is all about change. It is! 
It's how things grow and develop.

Change isn't easy, but it is necessary.

Change makes you learn some of life's most important lessons. 
It's how you implement those lessons that builds your character as a person.

You see on paper one might say wow 19 has been the hardest, most trying, and painful year of their life.
But 19 is important to run its course just like every other year.
To bring new lessons and to get over unnecessary fears.

19 you've been hard but educational for sure. 
I still don’t like change, but it’s something I'll endure.
Until one day I’ll look back and say how the heck am I 34?

As always, Through My Filter

Friday, October 2, 2015

My Heart Hurts

I'm tired of it. 
My heart hurts. 
I feel powerless.
People are losing their lives. Losing their lives because of other people. 
People are losing loved ones. Losing their loved ones because of other people.

I want you to notice something.
What's the common thread?


We were created with brains and souls that make us different then any other living thing in this world. 


But right now I am so incredibly heart broken that we can’t see and treat each other as such. 

I keep wondering when the violence and tragedies will ever end. But I am quickly reminded that we live in a fallen and imperfect world, and we as humans have to deal with sin and tragedies. But right now I’m begging and pleading please stop killing others out of hate and disagreement

Stop murdering people based on their skin.
Stop murdering people based on their religion.
Stop killing the innocent.
Stop killing babies.
Stop killing people.
Humans please stop killing other humans.

Life is precious. All life. From the womb until the day God calls us into eternity. Your life matters a whole whole bunch, and the life of the person you disagree with most in this world, matters.

My heart hurts and yet my heart is overwhelmed with peace. The only way that's possible is through the blood of Christ. The world breaks my heart time and time again, but through it I know God is in control even though sometimes it's seems like the enemy is winning a battle, Jesus has already won the war. That is what gives me hope. That is what gives me peace when I see tragedy. 

And so now the only thing I think to say is that it is time for Christians to do as we are commanded. LOVE. 

Love when it hurts. 
Love when it's not the easiest.
Just love.
Be the example. 
Be the Jesus connection in the lives of people who have never experienced him. 
And pray that somehow it will bring a revolution of change to this world. Change for good.

That's all I have.

Please be kind to each other.

As always, Through My Filter

Saturday, March 14, 2015

I Wish

I wish I could go back in time and tell this girl how wonderful she is, and tell her all the things that she is good at.
I wish I could tell her how loved she is. Loved by Jesus, loved by her family and friends.
I wish I could tell her how smart she is, and that she is not stupid, and that she can do this!
I wish this girl had listened to the right voice instead of all the wrong ones.
I wish this girl knew the amazing strides and struggles that were just around the corner for her. 
I wish this girl wouldn’t have wasted so much time when she could have been loving on and serving the ones around her.
I wish I could tell this girl that one day she would be in college and working to be the best nurse that she can be one day.
Lastly, I wish that no one EVER feels how this girl felt. 

I am thankful. 
I am so thankful today.
So thankful that “this”girl WAS me and now by the mercy that only God can give, I know and believe the truth, so deep of a truth that my soul feels it. 
I know Jesus loves me unconditionally.
I know I am not worthless.
I know that it is ok to struggle.
I know and trust fully that God has my best interest at heart.

These things took me entirely to long to learn, but since Dr. Emmet Brown and Marty McFly haven’t created time travel yet there is nothing I can do to change the past; but instead now learn and grow from it. 

I know that there are people out there that feel this way right now. 
They feel like they are worthless, that they will never be anything, and that really it wouldn’t even matter if they were gone.
They feel like their entire life is defined by the struggles they are facing right now.
I absolutely hate that people feel that way.
I hate that people have to feel even a bit of what I felt when I tweeted that tweet three years ago.

If there is anyone who feels this way, or even maybe just slightly discouraged with life right now.
Please don’t lose hope.
I want you to know that you are loved, you are not worthless at all, and you are more than what you are going through right now.

Life is hard sometimes, but you are strong and you CAN do this.
Jesus loves you so so much. He loves you! Yes, you the one who thinks no one will ever love me.. Well, guess what Jesus does and He died for you so that you can live and in the greatest display of love ever; He saved you. All you have to do is surrender and follow Him.

Praying for anyone who is struggling with life right now.

As always, Through My Filter.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Striving to Not Stress Over Singleness

•••••• Happy Valentine's Day! ••••••

(I hope you have at least one person in your life that has told you they love you today! If not I love you and care about you!) 

Honestly I’m so incredibly sick of hearing about Valentine's Day.... Then after being really bitter for a few days I decided to actually think about it and work through why I was literally disgusted at the idea of it. (Still working on it.. Why are some couples so gross?) Hehe anyways.

I have cared for waaaaay to long about being single or “forever alone” and I’m so sick of it. It’s so stupid why should I worry about something so much that it is all I ever think about? I don’t really know exactly where I am going with this post but I do know that I am actively striving to not stress over my singleness. I’ve been worried about it for way to long and really I don’t know why.

Well, actually I do sort of.
Some days I feel like there is actually something wrong with me because I’m single. How crazy is that? That I start to believe that just because I’m not dating anyone that somehow I am less than someone who is in a relationship. Or that single people always have to be the sad third wheel. BUT WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER?!  Seriously though! I am eighteen freaking years old! I have way too much life to be living to dwell on my singleness. It is something that for me is definitely a daily battle because yeah it would be great to have someone here to be my significant other but for now I am single, not forever alone but just not dating anyone. So, recently I have just been trying to be content where I am, work hard in school, focus on the Lord and work to become the right person for someone else rather than be upset and stressed because I don’t have one. 

If you still find yourself sad from time to time don’t worry! Everything is going to be okay! Someday you will find your lobster but for now go on an adventure, eat ice cream, or do something nice for someone else. Just because you are single on Valentine's Day doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate it!

Love you guys!

As always, Through My Filter 

Find your delight in the Lord. Then he will give you everything your heart really wants. 
{Psalm 37:4}

Friday, January 30, 2015


Happy Friday!
It’s been way to long since I’ve posted last. I have been writing a lot but not posting for lots of reasons, one mainly being fear of what people will think.
But then I remembered why I made this blog.
-For me, this is my escape and this is my place where I can go to figure life out, rant, tell funny stories and hopefully provide encouragement or a good laugh.
Obviously you are more than welcome to trek along with me as I do life and post about it on here.

I figured that since January is pretty much over why not post what my plans and vision for 2015 are.

In 2015, I really would like to post more often and improve on my blogging skills. But being a semi busy college student I don’t want to promise anything.

I am hoping to get in the swing of posting again probably not on any real schedule yet, but instead just posting whenever I want or need to.

So welcome back to Life Through My Filter, I am excited for what God has for me this year!

As always, Through My Filter

Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Adventure.

So before any one freaks out.. I’m alive and I’m ok. 

Also going into this post I’m not going to claim that this isn’t a rant post because well it is. It has been a hard week in so many different ways and well to be completely honest I’m not handling it as well as I could or should. But with that being true, I know God is good and I know that right now things are hard but they are hard for a reason and I am being prepared and refined to better glorify my Creator. 

I’m not going to go into to much detail but as you can see I had to get an IV and fluids. That happened on Monday around late afternoon. After a very scary experience of what I confidently thought was my death only turned out to be something not so serious. In the moment of all that happened to me on Monday I found myself in a really bad mindset and I remember asking over and over again to myself  “why me?” And so after having a really stressful and scary day I had a lot of time to relax and think about what had just occurred. I was scared out of my mind, I was annoyed that I couldn’t just have a “normal” day and I really just wanted my mom. 

The quote in the picture above I actually downloaded two days before my Monday ordeal and I came a crossed it while I was sitting in the doctors chair scared for my life while fluids dripped into me. In the moment  I read it thought about it for a second and then went back to calling my mom crying. Like I said before it has been a long hard week but God has been with me every step of the way. I can’t imagine myself going through what happened having no one physically there AND not having God either. HE alone has been my strength and my peace. I think a lot of people including myself earlier this week would consider a lot of things in life an ordeal or a struggle but what would it look like if we took them on as adventures? Adventures to grow, adventures to get to know God better and adventures just to keep life interesting.

It has been so frustrating trying to figure out what He is doing in my life and why I keep having these “adventures” but I’m learning I don’t need to know in fact that’s His job and I trust He knows what He is doing! All I want from my life is to glorify God and to tell the world about Jesus and if I can only do that is through struggles, trials, and or “adventures" then I know God is just refining me and making me better equipped to glorify Him. It has been a process and a huge adjustment but I’m alive and I’m able so that means everything I do should glorify Him. 

Thanks for reading about my adventure!

As always, Through My Filter.

// There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) //

Thursday, July 31, 2014


This is going to be a difficult post to get through both as I write it and as you try and follow along with my thoughts/emotions..(sorry ahead)  Not only because this topic is so real to me right now but also because I'm already emotional and this is only the second line.

In about two weeks my life is going to change a lot! I am going to be leaving. Not only will my address be different and my physical immediate surroundings but I am going to be so far from everything and everyone that I have become so used to.  I will be so far from people that have shaped me and molded me over my lifetime and who continually love me and who are actively in my life. It's weird and crazy because I can't imagine my life or even me without them and now I am going to have to go without them well distance wise for so much longer then I have been used to.

Some days I am totally ready to leave and to go far away and to start my new adventure but then there are other days that I am just not ready at all. There is so many things that I am so not prepared to say goodbye to or even "see you later" to.

It is becoming way to real that I am growing up and life is changing in big ways. This post is so hard because it is real and it is my life now so I need to just start accepting it and moving forward with it. I really just need to stop stressing and stop being scared.

It is so hard doing that sometimes especially because there are going to be so many relationships that are going to be strained and maybe even ended and right now that is the last thing I want to think about. I need people in my life and I am so scared that so soon I could have no one. And not even that no one will be there but the people I love most and who have been with me for the majority of my life won't be so available to me as before.

There are so many benefits and exciting things that are easily overlooked when I get sad or upset about leaving but I just keep reminding myself that it is going to be ok. Scary, different and maybe even super great sometimes but it is going to be ok. The people that I'm scared of losing will make an effort and if they don't I will and in the end it will be great. I have to remind myself of these things because there are way to many distractions in this life that get in the way and then they bring you down and the cycle continues.

I made it through the post now just to get through the actual leaving part...

As always, Through My Filter.