Friday, October 2, 2015

My Heart Hurts

I'm tired of it. 
My heart hurts. 
I feel powerless.
People are losing their lives. Losing their lives because of other people. 
People are losing loved ones. Losing their loved ones because of other people.

I want you to notice something.
What's the common thread?


We were created with brains and souls that make us different then any other living thing in this world. 


But right now I am so incredibly heart broken that we can’t see and treat each other as such. 

I keep wondering when the violence and tragedies will ever end. But I am quickly reminded that we live in a fallen and imperfect world, and we as humans have to deal with sin and tragedies. But right now I’m begging and pleading please stop killing others out of hate and disagreement

Stop murdering people based on their skin.
Stop murdering people based on their religion.
Stop killing the innocent.
Stop killing babies.
Stop killing people.
Humans please stop killing other humans.

Life is precious. All life. From the womb until the day God calls us into eternity. Your life matters a whole whole bunch, and the life of the person you disagree with most in this world, matters.

My heart hurts and yet my heart is overwhelmed with peace. The only way that's possible is through the blood of Christ. The world breaks my heart time and time again, but through it I know God is in control even though sometimes it's seems like the enemy is winning a battle, Jesus has already won the war. That is what gives me hope. That is what gives me peace when I see tragedy. 

And so now the only thing I think to say is that it is time for Christians to do as we are commanded. LOVE. 

Love when it hurts. 
Love when it's not the easiest.
Just love.
Be the example. 
Be the Jesus connection in the lives of people who have never experienced him. 
And pray that somehow it will bring a revolution of change to this world. Change for good.

That's all I have.

Please be kind to each other.

As always, Through My Filter


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