Saturday, February 14, 2015

Striving to Not Stress Over Singleness

•••••• Happy Valentine's Day! ••••••

(I hope you have at least one person in your life that has told you they love you today! If not I love you and care about you!) 

Honestly I’m so incredibly sick of hearing about Valentine's Day.... Then after being really bitter for a few days I decided to actually think about it and work through why I was literally disgusted at the idea of it. (Still working on it.. Why are some couples so gross?) Hehe anyways.

I have cared for waaaaay to long about being single or “forever alone” and I’m so sick of it. It’s so stupid why should I worry about something so much that it is all I ever think about? I don’t really know exactly where I am going with this post but I do know that I am actively striving to not stress over my singleness. I’ve been worried about it for way to long and really I don’t know why.

Well, actually I do sort of.
Some days I feel like there is actually something wrong with me because I’m single. How crazy is that? That I start to believe that just because I’m not dating anyone that somehow I am less than someone who is in a relationship. Or that single people always have to be the sad third wheel. BUT WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER?!  Seriously though! I am eighteen freaking years old! I have way too much life to be living to dwell on my singleness. It is something that for me is definitely a daily battle because yeah it would be great to have someone here to be my significant other but for now I am single, not forever alone but just not dating anyone. So, recently I have just been trying to be content where I am, work hard in school, focus on the Lord and work to become the right person for someone else rather than be upset and stressed because I don’t have one. 

If you still find yourself sad from time to time don’t worry! Everything is going to be okay! Someday you will find your lobster but for now go on an adventure, eat ice cream, or do something nice for someone else. Just because you are single on Valentine's Day doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate it!

Love you guys!

As always, Through My Filter 

Find your delight in the Lord. Then he will give you everything your heart really wants. 
{Psalm 37:4}


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