Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Let Me Tell You About 19

Every year since we are born something special and something grand is to come from that year. 

1 marks one year since you were born.
2 has many "landmark" moments of developments and usually known as the terrible 2's 
And so on and so on.
13 you are finally a teenager.
16 you can drive.
18 you're an "adult" and deciding what to do with your life. 
20 you are officially in your twenties.
21 you can drink legally and are truly taken seriously as an "adult"
And so it continues year after year of life they all mark landmark times of memories formed and lifetime goals met.

But let me tell you about 19.
It comes right after the cusp of the excitement that 18 brings and the terrifying fear of finally having to grow up.  
19 is uncharted territories where there is no map or GPS.
19 is the in between.
19 is the "Where do I even belong?"
19 is the "Am I even doing this right?"
It has such horrendous timing.
You've recently in the past few years been stripped from the high school norm and thrown into the real world. Whether it's work or college. 
19 comes when you are the most vulnerable and most sensitive.
19 ebbs and flows from “I am totally ok” to “what am I even doing with my life."
19 shapes you. 
19 molds you.
19 changes you.

Change is demanding.
Change is strenuous.
Change is hard.
But change is crucial.

Life is all about change. It is! 
It's how things grow and develop.

Change isn't easy, but it is necessary.

Change makes you learn some of life's most important lessons. 
It's how you implement those lessons that builds your character as a person.

You see on paper one might say wow 19 has been the hardest, most trying, and painful year of their life.
But 19 is important to run its course just like every other year.
To bring new lessons and to get over unnecessary fears.

19 you've been hard but educational for sure. 
I still don’t like change, but it’s something I'll endure.
Until one day I’ll look back and say how the heck am I 34?

As always, Through My Filter


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