Friday, January 30, 2015


Happy Friday!
It’s been way to long since I’ve posted last. I have been writing a lot but not posting for lots of reasons, one mainly being fear of what people will think.
But then I remembered why I made this blog.
-For me, this is my escape and this is my place where I can go to figure life out, rant, tell funny stories and hopefully provide encouragement or a good laugh.
Obviously you are more than welcome to trek along with me as I do life and post about it on here.

I figured that since January is pretty much over why not post what my plans and vision for 2015 are.

In 2015, I really would like to post more often and improve on my blogging skills. But being a semi busy college student I don’t want to promise anything.

I am hoping to get in the swing of posting again probably not on any real schedule yet, but instead just posting whenever I want or need to.

So welcome back to Life Through My Filter, I am excited for what God has for me this year!

As always, Through My Filter


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