Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Adventure.

So before any one freaks out.. I’m alive and I’m ok. 

Also going into this post I’m not going to claim that this isn’t a rant post because well it is. It has been a hard week in so many different ways and well to be completely honest I’m not handling it as well as I could or should. But with that being true, I know God is good and I know that right now things are hard but they are hard for a reason and I am being prepared and refined to better glorify my Creator. 

I’m not going to go into to much detail but as you can see I had to get an IV and fluids. That happened on Monday around late afternoon. After a very scary experience of what I confidently thought was my death only turned out to be something not so serious. In the moment of all that happened to me on Monday I found myself in a really bad mindset and I remember asking over and over again to myself  “why me?” And so after having a really stressful and scary day I had a lot of time to relax and think about what had just occurred. I was scared out of my mind, I was annoyed that I couldn’t just have a “normal” day and I really just wanted my mom. 

The quote in the picture above I actually downloaded two days before my Monday ordeal and I came a crossed it while I was sitting in the doctors chair scared for my life while fluids dripped into me. In the moment  I read it thought about it for a second and then went back to calling my mom crying. Like I said before it has been a long hard week but God has been with me every step of the way. I can’t imagine myself going through what happened having no one physically there AND not having God either. HE alone has been my strength and my peace. I think a lot of people including myself earlier this week would consider a lot of things in life an ordeal or a struggle but what would it look like if we took them on as adventures? Adventures to grow, adventures to get to know God better and adventures just to keep life interesting.

It has been so frustrating trying to figure out what He is doing in my life and why I keep having these “adventures” but I’m learning I don’t need to know in fact that’s His job and I trust He knows what He is doing! All I want from my life is to glorify God and to tell the world about Jesus and if I can only do that is through struggles, trials, and or “adventures" then I know God is just refining me and making me better equipped to glorify Him. It has been a process and a huge adjustment but I’m alive and I’m able so that means everything I do should glorify Him. 

Thanks for reading about my adventure!

As always, Through My Filter.

// There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) //


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