Saturday, March 14, 2015

I Wish

I wish I could go back in time and tell this girl how wonderful she is, and tell her all the things that she is good at.
I wish I could tell her how loved she is. Loved by Jesus, loved by her family and friends.
I wish I could tell her how smart she is, and that she is not stupid, and that she can do this!
I wish this girl had listened to the right voice instead of all the wrong ones.
I wish this girl knew the amazing strides and struggles that were just around the corner for her. 
I wish this girl wouldn’t have wasted so much time when she could have been loving on and serving the ones around her.
I wish I could tell this girl that one day she would be in college and working to be the best nurse that she can be one day.
Lastly, I wish that no one EVER feels how this girl felt. 

I am thankful. 
I am so thankful today.
So thankful that “this”girl WAS me and now by the mercy that only God can give, I know and believe the truth, so deep of a truth that my soul feels it. 
I know Jesus loves me unconditionally.
I know I am not worthless.
I know that it is ok to struggle.
I know and trust fully that God has my best interest at heart.

These things took me entirely to long to learn, but since Dr. Emmet Brown and Marty McFly haven’t created time travel yet there is nothing I can do to change the past; but instead now learn and grow from it. 

I know that there are people out there that feel this way right now. 
They feel like they are worthless, that they will never be anything, and that really it wouldn’t even matter if they were gone.
They feel like their entire life is defined by the struggles they are facing right now.
I absolutely hate that people feel that way.
I hate that people have to feel even a bit of what I felt when I tweeted that tweet three years ago.

If there is anyone who feels this way, or even maybe just slightly discouraged with life right now.
Please don’t lose hope.
I want you to know that you are loved, you are not worthless at all, and you are more than what you are going through right now.

Life is hard sometimes, but you are strong and you CAN do this.
Jesus loves you so so much. He loves you! Yes, you the one who thinks no one will ever love me.. Well, guess what Jesus does and He died for you so that you can live and in the greatest display of love ever; He saved you. All you have to do is surrender and follow Him.

Praying for anyone who is struggling with life right now.

As always, Through My Filter.


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