Friday, July 18, 2014

Quality Time

Today was such a good day!

I had a pretty uneventful day and it was relaxing and peaceful.

I spent the night with my poppa. We went to the racetrack together, which just happens to be one of my favorite places to be.. I love hanging out with my dad especially at the racetrack so it was definitely a good night! After the races were over for the night we went out for ice cream and it was a great ending to a solid night of quality time together. 

I've spent a lot of summer nights with my dad at the racetrack but tonight in particular made me think differently. In just a few short weeks I will be off to college far away from my parents, friends, family and "normal life" as I have known it so far. 

After realizing all the things and people I will soon have to say "See you later" to I started to think I should really be cherishing all these things and people before I don't have them as regularly anymore. 

You see I have always loved spending quality time with the people I love and I think to often I took it for granted. 
It is something I am trying to not do this summer. I want to make memories, go on adventures and cherish the quality time I have with the people who I care about the most.

As always, Through My Filter.


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