Monday, July 14, 2014

It's Been A While

It has been way way entirely to long since I've last posted. There isn't one particular reason why I haven't but so so many little wonderful reasons why I haven't been posting regularly. 

I am planning on making some changes and developing bette content and subjects for my posts. Although sometimes I really just don't have much to write about. In those circumstances I plan to just do talking/ranting posts about my oh so very interesting life. (not)

So since I haven't had a very recent post I just wanted to remind myself and anyone reading what this blog is about and what I intend on using it for. 

Life Through My Filter is just simply as it says, through MY filter. So it's life, love, people, situations and really everything how I see it. 
Life Through My Filter is a place where I can be as creative and sometimes crazy as necessary.
Life Through My Filter is sometimes simply my personal place to work out all that's going on with my life and what is going on inside my head. 
Life Through My Filter is a blog that I hope will be a place that people find encouragement, a good laugh or even inspiration. 
Life Through My Filter represents my everyday struggles, my thoughts, my feelings and really everything that makes me who I am. 

This blog is me finally stepping out for myself and doing something I want to do for me.

I love writing and I have really missed writing and sharing posts. And I've desperately missed how freeing it feels to just write and write my heart out. So yeah I guess welcome back..

As always, Through My Filter.


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