Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Question On My Mind

So it may not be a huge deal to some. But as I am sure you are all aware when in your senior year of high school it brings with many "privileges." If you even want to call them that.

So the story goes like this you go to school when ever your parents decide you are ready and then school is all you do for around thirteen years of your life. Then finally it sneaks up on you. Thirteen years of your life have past you by and now you are a senior in high school. It is now your job to make the decisions, to figure out what you are going to do next, and what your life will look like. But during this time of crazy change and decision making there are also a million other things that are also begging for your attention, money, and energy. Those things include but do no limit getting a job, paying a bill/payment, friends, drama, doing homework, studying, and sometimes just relaxing without thinking about everything you are stressed about can be a chore.

There is one thing in particular that comes along with being a senior that has my attention right now and that would be the good old prom..

I'm sure some of you are aware that it is prom season and I'm sure others of you are clueless, but still being a student in high school I have not forgotten that it's prom season for even a second. It is literally all everyone is taking about or buying for or stressing over. And to be completely honest sometimes to me it just doesn't seem worth it. Don't mistake what I am saying. I am a girl and I love love love the idea of getting completely dolled up and dancing the night away. But truly in my head I can't justify blowing hundreds of dollars just to have fun for one night. Especially when I could use that kind of money for many more valuable things.

But that is why I am enlisting you, my readers! So I need to know your opinion.

Should I go to prom or not and why?

Honest opinions are really appreciated.
Thanks always for reading!

As Always, Through My Filter.


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