Thursday, April 24, 2014

Money, Melatonin and Migraines.

*Disclaimer* Just let me live my life. And just let me rant. Ok? Ok.

So let me explain each of these three M's and how they have anything to do with me.
Ok so.

If you don't know what money is I'm shocked and completely envious of you, because it seems like the whole world revolves around slips of paper and stamped pieces of metal which we call money. And these pieces of paper and small coins control us, tell us our "worth" and tell us what we can and cannot do with our lives. 

The reason why money correlates with me a lot right now is because I am trying to pay for college. Which seems like an impossibly dooming task and I haven't even started classes yet. 
Also I have been trying to get a job for the last several months but always seem to get shooed away for not being eighteen or having enough work expericence. So in conclusion I have tons of things to pay for that are ridiculous amounts of money and no income.

So next M.

Melatonin is a hormone that is in your body to help the sleep process. They make vitamin supplements of melatonin to help people who have trouble with sleeping. I take melatonin every night because I have trouble shutting off my brain and my worries for long enough to get myself to fall asleep. 
As much as I hate to admit it I am an anxious person even though sometimes I try my hardest to overcome it, it always finds it's way back into my life and causes stress.

And this stress continually seems to multiply itself. Which leds to the last M. 

Migraines by a dictionary definition is a common type of headache that may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. But my definition of a migraine is sometimes just pure hell. For the longest time a few years ago I struggled with migraines just about every day. It took us a long time to figure out why I was getting these horrible headaches. Then we finally came to the conclusion that it was because of stress. The stress I was putting on myself and then losing sleep over was the deathly combo that gave me the horrible migraines

And so the horrible cycle continues till this night. 

And this is just my life. 

End rant.

As always, Through My Filter. 


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