Thursday, April 17, 2014

Living as a Human

So a week or two off from posting and I'm ready to get back on schedule. My life seems to be moving at lightening fast speeds. It feels like the past four years of my life are being squished into my last few months of high school. There is so much to do, to think about and to pay for. It's overwhelming sometimes.

But it has me thinking a lot. (As usual) 

People for years have been going through the same stuff. 
The same struggles. 
The same joys. 
The same situations.

We as humans are so much more connected then we realize. Our experiences connect us on a greater level, then I think most of us can comprehend. 

All of us. Here on this earth are connected. So many of us fail to realize it everyday, because maybe we are to quick judge or maybe we think there could never be anyone out there that understands what I'm going through. Well guess what. There is someone out there who understands you and knows what you are going through. Want to know how? Because for years bad things have happened to people. It's just a fact. There is nothing new under the sun that hasn't already happened to someone somewhere.

We are all connected.
We are all human.
We all take part in experiencing The Human Experience. (If you want to call it that)

After I came to this conclusion that was still kind of puzzling it brought up so many more questions. Some that I will forever be searching for the answer. 

One in particular that just really racks my brain is how much violence happens. It's insane if you just stop and think about it. In most cases violence can be completely avoided. But yet it is still a never ending cycle of trying to find a solution to a problem that could have been avoided in the first place. If we could just be kind and care about what others are going through. We are all humans. We are all connected and we are blessed with intelligent brains that we can use for solving problems. 

Also when thinking about violence I just always think about what could ever come over someone so much that they felt the need to end lives of people they have never even met. It boggles my mind when I think about. 

I usually get so upset over it and I find myself praying and pleading to God that He would stop the violence and stop children from getting murdered and all the bad things that happen in this world. 

Then after a little while I remember a verse: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” (Revelation 21:4)

We are promised a better life. Not an easy, always peaceful, full of flowers and butterflies life now. But we are promise a better life for later! That is something to be happy about and something to be encouraged by. Although it may not be promised now, it will happen. All we have to do is follow Him and trust Him. Life is confusing and hard. But the pain doesn't have to be forever.

I am sort of all over the place but...

As Always, Through My Filter.


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