Thursday, April 3, 2014


Well it's story time..

Today was a pretty hard day not like completely horrible but it was just sort of one of those days that is really annoying and everything seems to be against you. But I am mindful of the people who might have actually had a terrible/horrible day and who may have a lot issues and problems to deal with, I have had those people in my mind all day and thinking them ultimately gave me perspective on my day today.

Here we go....

The day started out like any other Thursday. Thursdays happen to be my least favorite day, so that was sort of one strike against the already dooming long day. Thursdays are my least favorite because I usually wake up and in my mind I'm thinking YES it's Friday only to be completely let down that it is only Thursday and I still have a whole other day to get through until Friday.

On this lovely Thursday morning I slept in just a little to long which was sort of intentional but also not really, due to my staying up to late the night before. So when I finally crawled out of my nice, warm and ever so comfortable bed and I realized what time it actually was I needed to put a little pep in my getting ready process but I could already tell my pep really just wasn't going to cooperate with me  today. So I got myself put together, grabbed my breakfast and went on my little way to my lovely high school. It is normal for most high school seniors to be over going to school and well I've been done with high school probably ever since the day I stepped into that building but I do try to make the best of it. The school day was filled with the same old, same old frustrations and such. But I continuously throughout the day tried to keep myself having the perspective that school is a blessing no matter how annoying the people are or how trivial it seems sometimes.

Nearing the end of the day I was ready to get home, relax and go for a run. I ended up accidentally missing the last bell and was a little late getting out of my class which wasn't horrible but I just prefer to get out as fast as possible at the end of the day and try to avoid hitting people in the parking lot. I finally got out of the school parking lot. I had my windows down and was blasting music. I wasn't extremely distracted but I wasn't fully focused either. I was wrapped up in my thoughts.(as always) I came to an intersection on my least favorite back road because it is sometimes impossibly difficult to see. As always I looked both ways and then back again and proceeded to go while I was taking my second look two cars appeared that hadn't been there when I looked the first time. The cars weren't approaching really fast but they were coming toward me pretty close and they did have the right away. In the end they were very gracious, did not honk or get angry about the fact that I was in their way, so I awkwardly went on my way.

Finally arrived back home and was pretty excited to have WiFi after having my data turned off all day since I am nearing the monthly limit. I arrived home to find out that my WiFi in fact didn't want to work today which really was not the end of the world at all. I then found my self just wanting to relax just for a little while. I decided to turn to the good old television. I realized when my WiFi was out I wouldn't be able to catch up on any of my Netlfix shows. Again it was not the worst thing that could have been happening. So I decided to call my mother to ask if she could when she had time to call the internet company. She didn't end up answering her phone which didn't concern me right away because she rarely answers. I just wanted to sit for a little while and relax so I watched a little t.v. and I was not overly enthused with what was on. 

I decided it would be a great time to put on one of my new favorite movies Frozen. I went on a little search to find the disc only to come to the conclusion that by mistake my lovely mother sent our brand new Frozen disc back to Netflix instead of the one that was meant to go back. Keep in mind I was pretty tired,stressed and kind of over the day. Well quite quickly after I actually found out what was happening I found myself crying profusely. I felt sort of insane for a few minutes. I was scaring myself a bit because I was balling my eyes out over a DVD which was ridiculous. So I came to the conclusion I should try my mom again to see if we could get the issue smoothed out. I also called her because I really wanted someone to talk to because I thought I was going insane. So I called my mother and well again no answer. 

At this point I stopped crying because I gained some perspective that I was just being silly. Although I was now mildly concerned that my mother wasn't answering. Finally my mom called me back. She hadn't gotten my messages so the first thing she asked was what we needed at the food store. I was trying to express patience while I answered all her questions. But since my mother knows me all to well she finally asked what was wrong, probably because at that point I was getting frustrated. I explained to her the situation and she found it all quite pretty comically. So the conversation then ended and I decided to just sit and wait for her to get home before I went on a run. I went on my run and was disappointed by my performance. I knew I wanted to go farther and faster but I was just to sore from running everyday before that. 

We are now relatively caught up to the present. As I sit here and reflect on my day even though now it seems quite comical it made me think a lot. 
We get so caught up in "bad days" that we have, but usually our "bad days" don't even compare to the days that some others may be having. 

It's hard to have perspective when you just want to be annoyed and angry.
It's hard to have perspective when all you seem to see is the negative.
Sometimes it's just hard to have any other perspective then the one we seem to be stuck in.
But stepping back and looking at my day made me realize a lot. About myself, my family and how I handle and think about things in the moment. 

I am hoping that maybe this post gave you some perspective. Or maybe just entertained you.

As always, Through My Filter.


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