Friday, March 28, 2014


Home can be a place.

Home can be a feeling.
And Home can be a state of mind.

Home can have so many different meanings to so many different people. 
I know and realize that others may not have been as blessed as I have been as far as having loving parents, caring family members and just all around support. But I do also know that sometimes you can experience the same kind of home from another source. 

I love feeling at home.(even when I am not actually at my house) It makes you feel good to be comfortable and in some ways sort of naked. You are vulnerable when you feel at home. It is where you feel safe. We open up when we feel at home. People feel loved when they feel at home. People flourish when they feel at home. People will surprise you when they feel at home.

We need to start being nicer to others. I believe that being kind and genuiningly loving towards one another can change someone's life. I know personally when I am having a hard day one thing that makes it a little bit easier to get through it is when someone really cares enough to give me a compliment or takes the time to be kind enough to asks what is wrong and just listens to me talk no matter how ridiculous I might be. 

I guess what I am saying is that we should make others feel at home when we are with them. 

We should make people feel comfortable. We should make people feel safe when they are trying to be emotionally or spiritually naked.

If we really want to make a difference in the lives of the people we love we should reflect a little bit on the feeling, idea and place of home. 

Hope that makes a little sense.

As always, Through My Filter.


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