Thursday, May 1, 2014

Let's Get Away.

Currently writing this blog post from the car. I am on a road trip! Woo.

Well anyways. I have been desperately needing some sort of a get away. I've been feeling so suffocated and "stuck" lately which is why I am so so thankful to be getting out of Pennslyvannia. Please don't misunderstand me I love my home state but I just can only take so much of my "regular" life. Sometimes I just need to get away. Sometimes far far away.

I think a lot of us feel like this sometimes, that's why we schedule vacations or trips so we can escape and retreat our normal ness of our daily lives. It healthy for the ocassional get away. Sometimes in fact it is vital for our mental health to remove ourselves and to take a step back. But just remember to breathe and remain strong during the times that you aren't able to escape. The struggles will always make you stronger you may not see it now but it is building you up for what's to come. Don't ever give up. You are meant to be on this earth and you are loved more then you could ever imagine or dream of.

Again I love you for reading this! Thanks. 

As always, Through My Filter. 


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