Thursday, March 20, 2014

What Are You Running From?

Recently in the past several months I have been venturing out into the world of running. I run mostly because it is good exercise and because sometimes I do really enjoy it.

Running helps me to clear my mind and to think straight. Running gives me the opportunity to feel completely free from negativity for just a little bit of my day. It pushes me and makes me want to strive to be my best. Of course sometimes I find myself disappointed but even when it seems impossible I try to keep going.

Motivation to keep going is sometimes really difficult especially at times when I wonder why the heck I am putting myself through this.

Recently I came across a post on Pinterest. It read "Stop Running From Everything, and Start Running Towards Something." For some reason this post hit me.

There are a lot of things in my life that I try to run from. Whether I decide to just put it out of my mind or literally avoid it and run away from it. This post got me thinking because I know there are probably a few people out there that are like me. (Which is terrifying.)

I know personally I feel a lot better when I work through my problems whether it's big or small. Of course sometimes it can be hard but isn't that kind of the point?

You have to work through the pain, the sorrows, sadness, and sometimes just over all defeat. And to be able to work through anything in your life requires some sort of a change. Whether its a change in behavior, mind set or even how you live your life. In order to grow sometimes and conquer the things you are going through I think its good to get away from your normal and comfortable spot and start working through it. Sometimes when we just stay in the same place we tend to just avoid and run from our problems. But what if we actively tried to change that.

What if instead of running away and avoiding we ran towards our problems and issues and conquered them head on and did what ever it takes to get through. Even if it is something you told yourself you didn't believe in or something you thought was crazy. What if you prayed and let God be the ruler of your life and your problems? Because I know that when I finally stop being stubborn and thinking that I can do it all by myself and I finally surrender and give it all to God, no my life doesn't get instantly better, no it doesn't take my problems away, but it gives me an overwhelming peace that no matter how crazy this life gets I never ever have to go at it alone.

Just thinking out loud here for you to read.

As Always, Through My Filter.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Ahh I love this♥

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