Friday, March 21, 2014


I feel like maybe this post should have a disclaimer. I know and understand there are many people in the world who may be more tired then I am. People with children, hard jobs, a family, or maybe they just have tougher days then me. I understand that those people are more tired then I am and I respect them, but since I have not yet experienced their level of tiredness I can only attest to what I am or have felt.

Honestly right now I am not really that tired(physically). I got a full night sleep last night in my large bed, I had a roof over my head, I was warmly tucked in with my blankets and I wasn't afraid of my safety or if I would wake up in the morning. But I do know that people all over the world are not as fortunate as I am everyday.

But some how I am and will always feel connected to those people of the world that are less fortunate. Even though we may not be the same race, speak the same language or live the same way or with the same things or problems. We are all human and in some awesome and crazy way we are all at least a little bit the same and we are all connected. We feel things and experience things that are relatively the same.

Being tired is something I think people of any age, race, or gender can or have experienced at least once in their life. As I said earlier, I am not so incredibly tired that I need to get to bed right this second but mentally I am exhausted. When you get to the end of a really long week and have had a lot on your mind you just become really tired. You don't have energy left to do much because mentally you are so full you might explode if someone asks what your name is. And in some small but yet huge way it frustrates you to no end because you really haven't done much that was that straining physically but yet you feel like you have just run a mental marathon and your brain, soul and your very core are just exhausted.

Hopefully I am not the only one who has experienced this because that would make me feel even more crazy then I already feel right now..... And well my brain is all over the place so lets just let the fact that this post was all over the place go.

As Always, Through My Filter.


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