Friday, March 14, 2014

Come And Sit With Me A While

Now I know I haven't been on this earth for an incredibly long time but that doesn't mean that I haven't learned a lot in the short time I have been here. I am sort of a people watcher, I love just watching people. (not in a creepy way..) It's fun watching the way people react to situations, other people and circumstances and then thinking about how different they could have reacted or how I would have reacted. 

So now since I am so aware of how people act and react to things, it makes me think a lot. It makes me think a lot about myself, others and the world as a whole.

In particular I notice how people love other people. Whether its dating relationships, marriages, friendships or just any random stranger. I notice how they decide to show love or maybe even not show love. Some people show love by sitting and talking while others just loved to be touched or be constantly close to the one they love. People love in some crazy weird ways and the only way I know that is because people have loved me in many weird ways. Whether its insulting, being rude or poking fun I've learned this is the way some people show love, although sometimes people make zero sense to me in the way they choose to love others.

I guess maybe sometimes I see the way that people over complicate things that are meant to be so simple that I let their ideas and the way they do things get inside my head. But that can be so toxic to the way you live your life and the way you love people. Why can't we just simplify this ever confusing and changing world. Since when is just sitting down and spending quality time doing nothing really at all together not good enough. After all so many things in this world fade. Money doesn't last forever and neither does apperance. So instead of focusing on what the world says is important why not focus on the person? Don't get me wrong there is a time and a place for everything but lets not over complicate something so naturally simple.

As always, Through My Filter.


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