Friday, March 7, 2014


"Never let go of your dreams."
"Chase your dreams."
"If you can dream it, you can do it."
These quotes are inspiring and all but what happens when it seems like everyone and everything is standing in your way or telling you that you aren't good enough, talented enough, or smart enough to reach your dreams. What happens when the comments and insults everyone always seem to have to say about you have worn your self confidence so thin that you never see yourself succeeding in anything let alone your most wildest dreams. Where do your dreams go when you've decided to listen to the constant negativity and doubt people have to tell you? Sometimes it seems like there is no hope, that you will never get to where you want to be.

Well I'm here to tell you that you are GOOD enough, you are TALENTED enough, and you are SMART enough. Please don't let anyone tell you other wise. Don't listen to the negative minds of others. Don't let them convince you that you can't reach your dreams. Because once you start believing in them and what they have to say about your life, you begin to start doubting yourself and all the amazing things that make you, you.

If I started listening to all the voices and things people had to say well let's see...
-I would not have this blog because "I'm a terrible writer, who needs to grow up."
-That I am to young and immature to ever have an opinion on anything important.
-And I would be afraid to just even think about trying to reach my dreams.

There was a point in my life when I thought that everyone around me and close to me was right when they told me negative things that made me believe I wasn't good enough. But one day I made a decision to stop putting my self worth in the thoughts and ideals of others. And honestly today is that day. I am so beyond tired of listening to the voices.

I have so many hopes and dreams and I have the potential and the power to pursue and reach them all someday. I will no longer be telling myself I'm not good enough because I am good enough.  One day I will prove everyone who thought I couldn't amount to anything. No matter what it is in my life I am going to give my all and try my hardest because I deserve the best even if it requires a lot of work on my part.

I will reach my dreams.
I will work my hardest.
I will prove everyone who doesn't think I can wrong.
The only way I could ever do any of this is with Gods help.

As always, Through My Filter.


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