Friday, February 28, 2014

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello there. I'm Stephanie Dager. 

Before I get to many posts up I wanted to tell you a bit about myself and how I got to where I am today. 

First, I would just like to thank every single one of you reading this. I am so humbled and blessed by you caring enough to read what I have to say. Whether I know you personally or you are a complete stranger. I just want to tell you how loved and appreciated you are. Maybe you aren't feeling so loved in your life right now or maybe times are tough but I need you to know I care and love for you more then you could ever know. You are a beautiful and amazing soul! Don't you believe anything different. 

Ok now that I have that off my chest I can tell you a little bit about myself and about this blog. 

So first I guess I will talk about my self.. Something I have never really been that awesome at. 

As I said my name is Stephanie. I am the daughter of two amazing, loving and supportive parents. (Hi momma and dadda!) I am the youngest of three children. I am an aunt to two of the most gorgeous babies ever. I love my family. I've grown up and have lived in Pennslyvannia all my life.

But enough of that boring stuff. I have emerald green eyes with lighting bolts of orange scattered throughout them that match my vibrant ginger color hair that I have been blessed with since birth.(Ginger jokes will only be appreciated if they actually make sense and are funny.) I love dogs. I've never really given cats a chance. I try to love all people to the best of my ability because I am loved unconditionally. I am currently wearing footie pajamas. I consider myself someone who is pretty reserved at first. But never with people who I know really well. I speak my mind when given the opportunity. I try to not be in anyone's way or make myself overly noticed. (Which makes this blog thing totally out of my comfort zone.) Sometimes I get depressed. But I have Hope that never fails even in my darkest moments. And most importantly I tend to go on forever.

Soo let's get to the point. Shall we?

This is my personal blog. Life Through My Filter. Here I will be posting whatever really comes to my mind and I feel passionate enough to rant about on the internet. This is going to be my safe haven for my sometimes scattered and hectic thoughts. I hope this will be a place that people find encouragement, a good laugh or even inspiration. 

You maybe thinking this is just another silly teenage girl blog. But actually to me it's so much more than that. 

Four years ago if you would have told me what my life would be like today, I would have called you a liar and I would have never believed you. This blog to me represents my everyday struggles, my spiritual battles, my thoughts, my insecurities, my faith, and really just me. I have always enjoyed writing and to me it's the most freeing hobby I have ever had. 

I love what words can do to people. How words make people feel, act, react and how they live, love and laugh. Over my few years of life I have seen how my words have lifted people up but also unfortunately how they have torn people down. Both were amazing to see in some ways. As people read my blog posts I want them to understand that it's not just my words that have power. Your words have power as well and it's time we use them for good.


As always, Through My Filter.


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