Thursday, February 27, 2014

Social Media Has Ruined Me

-"Why do you post so many sad tweets?"

-"Are you ok?"
-"Why are you so dramatic?"
-"Just keep your problems to yourself."
-"No one cares."
Questions and statements I am sure anyone has encountered if they have ever posted any sort of emotional or spirited  post on the internet. 

Society has its dark and dirt covered hands in everything we say, do and now even post. Don't get me wrong some valid and thought provoking movements have found their way into light through Social Media. But this post will not be pertaining to the few "positives" that Social Media has to offer us as individuals. No this post will not cover the bright and cheery side of the many apps we have come to know and love. Before I get myself into deep to this rant session, you should know I do participate in many forms of Social Media. And that is how it is possible for me to give this point of view Through My Filter

So for the sake of keeping this fairly simple I will be referring to Social Media as if it were a person. And how it has recently affected me and propelled me forward into creating this blog.

Social Media has taught me lessons of hate. To hate myself for not being thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough, and truly the list goes on. Not only has it taught me to hate myself but it has taught me to hate society for what it expects of me but then on the flip side it promotes those very things that make me feel so worthless about myself. The ideals of Social Media leave my self confidence in confusion. And all for what purpose? Because my picture didn't get as many likes as her picture did? That seems so silly if you think about it long enough right? To put my self worth into another person's double click on my picture on Instagram

Social Media has also taught me that it is important to post once a day, maybe even more then once a day. To you know keep everyone updated. Social Media can turn you into an addict. It slowly grabs tightly around you and silently with out really noticing, you become that annoying, over posting self absorbed person who posts every other second. Our posts are sometimes fueled by rage, jealously and hatred. And do we ever just stop for a minute and think before we go and click that post button. Most of us do not. Myself included. 

Social Media has ruined me. It has ruined how I sometimes view myself and others. It has ruined peoples joy in being original and different for fear of not being like everyone else. But what would it look like for us to just cut through the negative of Social Media? What if we only posted things that were positive and encouraged people to keep fighting through the everyday struggle? I may only be a naive teenager, but I see where society is going and it makes me so heartbroken. What if we as a generation of people who use Social Media, used it for good and for building others up? What would it look like? How would the world change? 

Just an idea. 

As always, Through My Filter.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

awesome post Stephanie. You are a really good writer and a thought provoking young woman.

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